An Often-Over-Looked Tax Deduction

Chris Wholehan, President Wholehan Marketing As we enter another tax season and your clients begin to review their personal situation, do not overlook the tax deductions available to some clients who are paying traditional Long-Term Care Insurance premiums.  LTCI...

Year-End RACK-ing and Planning

Chris Wholehan, President – Wholehan Marketing As you may have seen from our social media posts, the Wholehan Marketing team is counting down the days of this holiday season by performing Random Acts of Compassion and Kindness (RACK’s) each day.  These...

Tax Savings During Tax Season

As we all gear up for another tax season, help your clients take advantage of some current-day tax codes to help in their Long-Term retirement planning.  Over the last two decades multiple new tax codes have provided tax incentives for those looking to protect the...