Play it Safe – Fill the Gap

Jody Horetski Life Insurance Consultant According to a recent study, only about half of the adults in the U.S. have life insurance coverage.  While most of the advisors we work with sell individual policies to their clients, the workplace market is another avenue...

Life Insurance “On the Go”!

Jody Horetski, Life Insurance Consultant Today, everything is ​”rush, rush, rush” and on to the next appointment.  With such busy schedules, our agents need the ability to communicate with their clients while on the go.  Most days, it may seem...

The Last Survivor

Securing a Legacy for your Children Life Insurance Consultant A Survivorship/Second-to-Die Life Insurance policy is a type of permanent life insurance that is often chosen when the purpose is to leave money to a couple’s heirs when both spouses have passed.  In...

Prepare for the Unexpected

Consider adding a chronic illness rider to your life insurance policy Jody Horetski Life Insurance Consultant Many of us know someone who’s had to care for a loved one with a chronic disease or had a severe cognitive impairment and understand the emotional, physical,...

Permanent Life Insurance

Stability and Peace of Mind Jody HoretskiLife Insurance Consultant Despite what the financial pundits would have you believe, permanent life insurance has very unique qualities that sets it apart as an excellent vehicle for helping you on your way to financial...