Chris Wholehan

As we take a moment this month to reflect on the events that have unfolded over the last 18 months, we should also take note that September is also Life Insurance Awareness month.  As we honor those who are no longer with us, we should honor our surviving loved ones by making sure our own financial house is in order.  Reviewing our life insurance coverage is an important part of our financial plan.

  • Do I have enough coverage to ensure there’s enough income for my loved ones?
  • Will all of my bills/debts be paid off?
  • Is there enough coverage to send the kids to college?
  • Have I ensured the legacy I want to leave will be funded properly?
  • Will my assets transfer in the manner in which I intend?
  • Will my business continue forward?
  • How much is enough?

There are so many reasons to make sure that our clients’ financial plans are protected with the right amount of life insurance.  Contact the experts at Wholehan Marketing and let us help you ensure that your clients plans are protected properly.