The coverage your client needs with a money back guarantee!

Jody Horetski Life Insurance Consultant

Looking for a product that can provide the essential funds to help your client with mortgage and loan protection, education expenses, or key-person protection?

Look no further, we have you covered!

Term life insurance is only guaranteed for a specific period of time and once the timeline is over, your premiums go up or your coverage is gone. Fortunately, it is possible to purchase a specific type of term life insurance coverage that won’t leave you empty-handed when your policy expires. With return of premium (ROP) term life insurance, you’ll pay a level premium for the duration of your policy, but you’ll get all of your money back at the end of the guaranteed term, income tax-free.

The ROP product offers the same great options as a standard term policy but has a money back guarantee.  Key features include:

  • 20-, 25- and 30-year guaranteed term period options
  • Convertible to an eligible permanent insurance product at the earlier of age 70 or the end of the term period
  • Minimum death benefit amounts of $25,000
  • Rates based on actual age
  • Non-cigarette tobacco users are eligible for nonsmoker rates

Contact the experts at Wholehan Marketing!

We’ll make sure you’re getting the coverage that’s right for you.   


Jody Horetski

Life Insurance Consultantjody@wholehan.comwww.wholehan