Jody Horetski Life Insurance Consultant

Growing your life insurance business is essential and depends on your ability to build relationships with clients. No one likes to talk about death, which makes life insurance one of the hardest types of insurance products to sell. However, death can lead to major financial setbacks or even financial ruin if not planned for. This is why it is so important that agents play a vital role in the lives of their life insurance customers. To be successful, your clients need to see you as capable, dependable and as someone with integrity.         

Always be Professional – Being polite, courteous, and respectful in all of your interactions shows customers you’re someone they can depend on.

Don’t Sell Customers What They Don’t Need – One of the quickest ways to lose customers’ trust is by trying to make a quick sale when the insurance product isn’t a good fit.

Don’t Insult your Competitors – Respect the competition by showing customers why the product or insurance solution you’re proposing is a better fit.

Own Mistakes and Fix Them – When mistakes are made as they inevitably will, it is the way agents respond that will make or break the trust with your clients. Don’t make excuses, own them, and fix them.

Proactive Communication – Proactive, personalized communications with clients is a great way to strengthen customer relationships, retain policyholders, and improve selling opportunities. The key is to develop a cycle of continuous interaction, then adjust and adapt as needed to strike the right balance between service-themed and sales-based communications.

Be Yourself – Don’t try to be someone you’re not in an attempt to impress your customers. They’ll see through inauthentic behaviors and communications, and you’ll come off as untrustworthy in the end.